This disk is a comprehensive instruction on Modern Jive, starting with instruction on the very basics of footwork, handholds, moving together and understanding rhythm and then moving on to teach 27 different moves including 2 simple but spectacular dips and a host of floorcraft sequences. These moves, on their own, constitute a repertoire that will make you shine on the dance floor and they open up a world of possibilities as they launch into more complex intermediate and advanced level moves.
THIS CONTENT IS BRAND NEW! While several of the individual moves can be found in the beginners sectin of our shop, these lessons are far more comprehensive than their online counter parts. In addition, the DVD includes full instruction on dance concepts which is not currently available online.
In each case, the men?s instruction is given by Brent and the lady?s instruction is given by Corina. It is slow and methodical, allowing you to comprehend and practice.
Click the video previews below to see samples from the DVD.
Each lesson includes:
A demonstration danced to music
Detailed instruction for men and women
A count through of each move in isolation
A rhythmic count through of the three moves in context
A slow motion demo so you can watch closely and pick up finer details.
The menu structure allows you to easily select specific moves or lessons, to jump to any section of the lesson, or to ?play all? and enjoy the whole package in sequence. Each move is sub-titled for the duration of its instruction so you never forget its name.
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